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Book of Shadows - Spells - Plant Protection/Growth Spell
By Annette

Perform this spell during the Full Moon

1 part Frankincense
2 parts Lavender
1 part Lemon oil

Things you need:
1 piece of cleansed Hemiatite
1 cleansed Clear Quartz point
a bowl/glass of water
a purple bag/pouch
1 Red candle (for vigour)
1 Green candle (for prosperity)
1 White candle (for protection)

Place all tools on the altar, with the plant in the middle of the three candles.

Cast Circle
Consecrate and empower the water and crystals with the following:
Water - Life
Hemiatite - Strength
Quartz - Love and Protection

Light the three candles, then intone:

"Little plant, be gone from thee
Any negative energies - flee!

Little plant, I wish you strength
Strength to grow, and grow content

Little plant, I give you Love,
Love and Protection, I bestow upon thee

I give you life! (pour the water on the plant)

I give you strength! (place the Hemiatite in/on the soil)

I give you Love and Protection! (place the Quartz in/on the soil)

This is My Will, So Mote It Be!"

* Keep the candles and incense in a purple or brown bag to help fuel the spell, and incase you feel you want to do this spell again *

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